Much as we do not like to think about it, it is an unavoidable reality that, one day, every one of us will pass on. Most of us will leave behind loved ones, which is why it is important for us to consider estate planning. It has nothing to do with age or health, but everything to do with not leaving our survivors in the proverbial lurch. That being said, how does one make adequate plans for one’s estate? For that, it is best to turn to a skilled Rockland County, New York wills, trusts and estates attorney. Of course, it is strongly recommended that those interested in estate planning consider some questions before meeting with a qualified legal professional. These questions include:
What items should you bring to an initial meeting with a New York estate planning attorney?
If you want your first meeting with an estate planning attorney to start off on the right path, saving you time and expense, you should give thought to the following questions:
- Who will you designate as a guardian or conservator for your minor children?
- Who will serve as Trustee, personal representative and/or agent under a durable power of attorney?
- Who will you name as your patient advocate?
- What are the provisions of your living will?
- How will your property be distributed after your death?
- Who will receive each item of property and under what conditions?
- Who will care for your pets and how will their care be funded?
- Who will ultimately take your property if none of your intended beneficiaries survive?
What else should you bring to a meeting with a New York estate planning attorney?
In addition to answers to the above-listed questions, you should provide your estate planning with:
- Information regarding your assets, i.e. their quantity, value, et cetera
- Contact information for beneficiaries and fiduciaries
- Prior estate planning documents
- Operating Agreements, Buy-Sell Agreements for any businesses in which you have interest, divorce papers and other documentation
If you find this at all intimidating, you should reach out to a boutique law firm offering creative solutions.
How can the Lauterbach Law Firm help you?
Given the sheer volume of information and documentation you will need to collect, it is highly probable that you will forget a few things. That is to be expected. However, such slip-ups in estate planning can cost your survivors and beneficiaries dearly. This is why our firm offers clients individualized care and attention, helping you make informed decisions about the construction of your tailored estate plan. We will also help draft your estate plan in the clearest, most unequivocal language to minimize or eliminate ambiguities or challenges it may face. Let us put our decades of experience to work for you.
Contact our Firm
The Lauterbach Law Firm is proud to serve clients throughout Rockland County who are faced with legal matters related to estate planning, real estate, foreclosure defense, landlord-tenant law, business law, and criminal defense. If you require the services of an experienced team of attorneys, contact The Lauterbach Law Firm today to schedule a consultation.