Most people filing for bankruptcy know that it will affect their credit reports, but can just anyone get all of the details of your court proceedings? Since most bankruptcy filings go into the public record, the answer to that question will likely be “Yes.” If you want to hide some details or learn more about what exactly could be revealed to others, you’ll want to talk to a New City bankruptcy attorney.

Will New York Make My Bankruptcy Public Record?

Yes, if someone knows how to search for court case records, then they probably will be able to find your filing. New York makes bankruptcy filings a part of the public record and there is rarely anything that can be done to reverse that.

So this is an important consideration for anyone who wants to file for bankruptcy. This will be on your credit report for years to come and people will be able to look up some of the details of your case.

What Exactly Will Be Included in the Public Record?

When people look up your case, they will probably find details like:

  • The debtor’s name (your name)
  • The name of the judge
  • When your bankruptcy claim was filed
  • Which chapter of bankruptcy you filed for
  • The accounting of all of your personal assets
  • Info about your attorney and bankruptcy trustee
  • Any official documents filed
  • All petitions and motions relating to the bankruptcy
  • The current status of your case

Some information can be redacted. If a case mentions business or trade secrets, for example, a bankruptcy filer can probably make an argument to keep that information out of the public record.

Can My Bankruptcy Record Be Sealed?

In some situations, yes. However, many bankruptcy cases can never be sealed. Your information will probably remain available to anyone who would know how to look for it.

If a case is sealed, that would keep the information out of the public record. It’s often easier to get a case sealed if there’s a good reason, like a threat to the filer’s personal safety. Saying that you just do not want people being able to learn the details of your bankruptcy is usually not a good enough reason for the courts.

Do I Need a Lawyer to File for Bankruptcy?

Filing for bankruptcy can be a complicated process. Mistakes can result in wasted time and financial headaches. Our lawyers can guide you through the bankruptcy process and help you ensure that everything is done correctly.

Contact Our Law Firm Today

If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, contact the Lauterbach Law Firm. We can help you figure out if Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 is the right option for you, and then we can help you with all of the paperwork. Start working toward that fresh financial start today.